Tuesday, September 25, 2007

....and so it begins.

So it begins, I guess. Gah, god this font sucks, lemme fix that right off the bat.

Hmmm. Yeah, way better. So anyway, hi, hello, and welcome to the first installment of Blue Marble. This is my platform for my thoughts on all the things that I have rattling around inside my head, but never got around to saying/writing down/expressing. My interests range far and wide (most of which I don't spend enough time on, but that I intend to fix, oh yes), but before I get to that, lemme tell you a little something about myself.

I am a 26 year old between-schools student (and if you understand that, then well, how's limbo treating you?), who started out studying business (actually did economics and accounting for a while there, brrrr), but who discovered, or more like acknowledged a long time passion for literature and writing (surprise, surprise), and is now striving to be a writer (you knew that was coming, right?), whilst attempting to (find and) pursue a career that I actually like, while I try to get my writing off of the ground (or out of my mind and into the physical realm).

So anyway.

I live in Jamaica (the best place to live, mhm), and before it pops up, lemme clear some things up right now. I do not live on or near a beach, I am not related to Bob Marley (love his music, but no, I don't know all of his songs, and anyone that wishes to prove their superior knowledge of his music can go ahead and do so, I admit it freely) I have never smoked....um.....well, that's not true. Moving on. Yes, I speak patois (pronounced pat-wa), but I also speak the Queen's English fluently, and I do not appreciate being referred to as 'mon'. Do so and I will rip your tongue out and feed it to you.



So, yeah, I live in Jamaica, where the administration has recently changed, and of course I will be discussing this further in future installments. The incoming administration has made a bunch of promises (par for the course, I know) and It will be interesting to see if they can come good on even half of these things without taxing us to hell. *sigh* Interesting times are ahead. On the flip side of that, the outgoing administration has a lot of rebuilding to do, and how they handle this (because this was not simply an election loss, oh no, there were several flies in this porridge) will be a measure of their strength as a party and viable political entity on the Jamaican political landscape (one of two, I know, but hey, that's what we have to work with). I'll be chronicling the situation as I see it as time goes on, complete with my opinions, views, and anything else that wanders across my path that I feel to stick on here.

So, interests. I like Videogames.

Halo 3 came out *checks clock* last night, and I soooo want to play it. A good game is like playing a book. It takes you on a great ride, with the added incentive of interactivity. Whilst I usually keep this simile for use with RPG's, Halo deserves it. Good story (which, for me, is exceptional considering quality of story telling where shooters are concerned), exceptional graphics, spot on control, fun vehicles and 'smart' enemies, all of which equals a package that resulted in me having the most fun I've ever had playing a videogame, alone or with friends. The co-op mode was a godsend, and I hear that 3 pushes it to 4 players, and I'm not supposed to want it? Please, haters can kiss my you know where, I'm getting me that game (just as soon as the 360 becomes a teensy bit more affordable, though).

I like Literature in all its forms.

Currently reading A Storm of Swords, and I cannot get enough of this. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm behind, but that's me, I enjoy things in my own time, when all the hype has died down, I don't like being swept up, one can get carried away that way. Neway. I had always had A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin, in and around my house ('borrowed' it from a friend of mine a few years back, never did get around to reading it), and my sister read it ( I have two bigger sisters, one's a manager at the Jamaican branch of one of the big four accounting firms in the world, as well as a certified internal and external auditor, or she will be as soon as her exams are done, the other a doctor and mother of an adorable baby girl, and if anyone reading this just figured out who I was, well whoop di doo for you) just before her firm sent her to America to work for a while. When she came back on one of her breaks, she brought the other two books in the series (as well as the dune prequels among others, and man, did those suck). So these books were sitting around in my room for a while, until one day I said to myself that I couldn't allow a book to intimidate me (if you've seen A Game of Thrones in paperback, then you might know what I'm talking about). So I started it, and here I am, just starting the third book, and I cannot get enough of it. This is a Historical Fantasy world at war. Low magic, excellent dialogue (man, can he write dialogue, internal and external), memorable characters, and a humongous backdrop (I imagine him having charts to keep track of his ever expanding cast).

On another literary note, my condolences to the family of Robert Jordan. I had heard that he had been ailing for a while, and I was saddened by the news of his death. Every time a human being dies, it is a time to be sad. Despite how he lived his life, the fact that that life is now over should be reason to pause in memory. All that potential is now lost and can never be regained. Think about that. Think about losing all of your tomorrows. That is a reason for sorrow, in my book (excepting specific circumstances concerning specific people, which I'm sure, wrong or right, we can all relate to).

I keep track of Current Events. Dun Dun Duun!!! (sorry, it just seemed appropriate).

I haven't been paying much attention to the U.S. elections, but as they draw nearer and nearer, I will have to turn my attentions to them, as being a caribbean country, the current political climate in the States is of more than a passing interest. When America sneezes, Jamaica (or insert caribbean island name here) catches a cold, I think is the saying. So. I will be weighing in on the proceedings as they go on, respectfully offering up my two cents. The visit by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sparked some controversy, to say the least, as well as the fact of the UN started up yesterday (and a hip and a hoot for those useless bastards, bleagh), so the the international relations scene will be heating up (when does it ever take a break, really), and I will...by now you get the picture.

I'm interested in relationships. My friends all live some very, very interesting lives, and I've learnt more from watching them than from anything else (including personal experience, being a (mostly) cured recluse and house rat, who miraculously worked up the courage to pursue a girl that his best man to be introduced him to, and now look, 5 years later we're getting married, go me. Oh yeah, I'm engaged. I didn't mention that...? Hm.), and I think that I should share these experiences with the world, if only that after all this time I need to tell them to SOMEBODY, and who better than the faceless masses of the internet. Y'all can keep a secret, right.


Sure you can.

So, as you can see, my interests range far and wide (...pretty sure I've said that somewhere recently...anyway) (I really need to stop using that word, but anyway), and my posts here will reflect that. Whoever reads this, I hope that, in the least, if you don't find it informative (I don't promise that, not by a long shot), then you will at least be entertained for a few minutes, before having to return to whatever soul crushing grind it was that you came here seeking some refuge from. But hey, we live how we have to live, until we live like we want, eh?

At least that's my philosophy.

More as it develops.

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