Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I sometimes think about people that scoff at others for being trusting and hopeful. They look on with spiteful amusement as others run into the same walls and slither into the same pitfalls that they themselves fell into. I believe that they fail to see that instead of being 'ahead of the curve', snug in their corrugated shells of mistrust, disdain and condescension, they are instead an active part of an evil that permeates our modern human society. They, as a group, allow the continuation, the transmission if you will, of that most deadly of human diseases: disillusionment. The loss of a belief in the possibility of a greater good. The banishment of hope and the removal of that 'positive' descriptor from their actions, on a subconscious level. The turning inward and downward of one's focus, and the assumption of a(mental) posture akin to a crab; scrabbling and scraping at each other out of repressed anger and hurt.

The extent to which this disease permeates the collective consciousness of modern man is heartbreaking.

I dream of big things. Impossible Not impossible, just highly improbable given the current state of things...but no. That's also not right. Given the current state of things...the current state of things are just that. Tomorrow might be different if we just change a small bit here, a little there. God forbid we experience any strain in the process of these changes. The modern human is more strain averse than pain fact I believe that they equate the two, hence the almost pathological fear of exertion that exists today, even on a mental level...but I digress.

In my perfect world aka The Utopia, a mother would be able to leave for work, if she was single and if she so chose, leaving her child unattended and her doors and windows open. Her house would have been childproofed by the state upon the registration of her pregnancy with the relevant medical and municipal authorities. She could hang a schedule on her front door of when the child was to be fed. A sign in the yard would announce her single mother status. Random strangers, who would have no evil designs in their hearts, of if they did they would possess the will to resist them and alerted to her status by the sign, could wander in and look after the baby and feed it at the given times before going along their way. They would follow the best sanitation methods agreed upon by a true World Health Organisation and a powerful but benevolent United Nations. Flocks of children could roam where they wanted, geo-tagged so that their parent(s) and only their parent(s) would know where they were. Naturally these areas would be policed by state sponsored agents and would have child friendly barriers to keep them safe and redirect them with minimal harm. Their tags would naturally degrade over time to eventually disappear sometime between 16 and 21, based on whatever cultural norms the country followed or a mutual agreement between the child and the parent(s).

And so on.

I can hear the collective laughter from you all now...not the kind, amused laughter either. The nasty, scoffing laughter born from your absolute certainty regarding my naivete for even thinking that an im(probable) situation such as this could ever exist in any society peopled by man, who spends more on inventing better and better ways to kill each other (a blog post in and of itself) than on working out ways to feed the starving (with actual frikkin' food!). You laugh and shake your head, secure in your knowledge of my naivete.

See? That is exactly what I am talking about.

More as it develops.

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