Monday, May 5, 2008

The return of the King.

*looks around*

*knocks dust off of overturned chair*

*places chair upright, raising a cloud of dust*



Oh-kay. *dusts off pants* Wow, I've really let this place go to ruin. Haven't been here in ages, and I guess you can take the (past) failure of this as an indication of how things have been going in my life recently. Whoo, haven't been here since...the 27th of Oct. last year. Wow. 6 months and change.

*looks around again*

Its not that this isn't a nice place and, its not that I don't like talking to you all. Its just that sometime I feel pressured, and I realise now that that was the entirely wrong approach to be taking. Sure, its cool to be pressured, it motivates us to bigger and better things. However, we should never let ourselves get so pressured that we lose sight of who we are, and why we're doing the things in the first place. If we do that, then...the whole point of the exercise becomes pointless, and we may as well have been at home, reading manga online for all the good any further pursuit of that venture will do us.

That is what happened to me recently.

*breathes for a few minutes, looking around at the mess, covered furniture and layers of cobwebs and dust*

I forgot why it was I was getting married, hell, I forgot why it was that I was in the relationship with my fiance. Its not because we're going to get married, no, the marriage is the end result of us wanting to be together for the rest of our lives, in a manner that will allow us to be unmolested or shunned (shun the unbeliever, my god, charlie the unicorn, youtube is a time waster's paradise, shun) by all and sundry. Also, since we (all, or most of us at least) were young, we've been taught that that is the socially acceptable thing to do, before man and God; when you find the one you love, and want to make babies, grow these babies, let them out into the crazy ant's nest that's the world, and then grow old and crotchety with this person, you marry this person.

Hence you avoid being shunned and sanctioned by society at large.

So, she and I are getting married. However, somewhere along the way I lost sight of that fact, that the marriage came after the desire to grow old together and whatnot, and that clouded my judgment, perspective, whatever-you-want-to-call-it there for a while, and things got messy, both inside and outside of my head.

Whoo. *looks around again*

But I'm back now, and I've managed to (with the help of a few friends, more on that later) get myself back in the game. Granted, I'm not in the same position that I was in before in with reality (and let me tell you, try and avoid running into reality, its an unforgiving bitch), but where I am, I can make it work, with focus and determination.

And all those other things that they say one needs to have to be successful, but whatever. I'm simply gonna get up everyday and do it to it, that's all. No big philosophy, just a state of mind.

*wipes hands on pants, and rises, stirring up yet more dust*

So, I'm back, as they say, and you'll be seeing a whole lot more of me around here than you did before. I know now that I have no obligation to post here whatsoever, which has, as these things are wont to do, made it that much easier for me to come here and post my thoughts, feelings, musings, brain hiccups, whatever. There's a lot of work to be done with the place, but...its my goddamn place, and the onus is on me to fix it so...lets just get it done.

Right. *looks around* Now, just where the hell do I start....?

P. S. Scouting for Girls is a lovely little indie-pop band. I don't remember exactly how I heard of them (more than likely from the fiance), but I've since acquired their album, and I must say its been holding its own on my playlist for a bit now. Songs like 'Elvis ain't dead' and 'James Bond' illustrates their uniquely british sense of humor, even when dealing with heartbreak and issues of identity (...or at least, I assume that they are...). Also, 'I need a Holiday' is the british look at the grind, and guess what, they hate it as much as we do, if not more so. Topping it all off is their oh so appealing british accent, and youthful earnestness pouring out of each effort (along with a lighthearted but talented instrumentation on every track), and you've got another surefire summer hit reel here folks. Go check it out.

Charlie the Unicorn. Charlie, the goddamned Unicorn. What, the mother****? No, I mean, come on, if I didn't know that it existed before, I've surely just encountered abstract comedy. Sketch comedy, no, this has moved beyond that, to test the edges of what can logically be called a plot and humor. Stop motion unicorns with squeaky voices going on random quests, meeting stranger and stranger individuals, in an ever increasing comedy maelstrom that comes to its inevitable climax with charlie (the third unicorn, if you weren't following) getting shafted in some unspeakable way. Arguably the strangest thing I've seen online in recent memory. But with all that said, then, why do I find it so goddamned hilarious (shun the unbeliever, shun)? Maybe its the voices of the two other unicorns...yeah, that has to be it, the voices make me break out into peals of laughter in public, earning me dark looks from the more upstanding members of our society, those that I've now started referring to as (dear god) unbelievers. I need help. Charlie needs to just wait for those two with an uzi and some c-4, and wipe them out before they can get their mouths open, that's his only chance of a night of peace. As for you...whether or not you go and check out Charlie the Unicorn on youtube is up to you. But remember, you have been warned. Whether or not I have done so adequately, however, well...that remains to be seen, no doesn't it.


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