Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuxedo Mask

*looks up from sweeping*

So today I decide to go online and finally, finally, FINALLY decide on a tuxedo for myself and my groomsmen. Having not chosen one the last time (contrary to what my fiance believes, hm) I decide that enough is enough, I need to go on and just get this done.


So, I'm on this site, looking around at the various styles, comparing one to another, and looking at the different cuts and whatnot, and it comes to my attention that most of these look awfully similar. I flip back and forth, not daring to blink lest I miss a difference in the cut of the lapel or the length of the jacket or whatnot. If the difference isn't made obvious by the name (a 'shawl lapel' versus a 'notch lapel', and the promisingly titled but oh so disappointing double breasted suit) or a glaring difference, well then, I have to focus my eyes on a point on the tux and flip back and forth to spot a difference. Yet another case of complexity outgrowing necessity, but that's the way it is and has been.

I've discovered that I go for the more traditional cuts and styles (up to a point). Like, I would never, ever see myself in a tux that's not a dark colour, maybe grey being the highest shade I would go. A white tux appalls me to no end, and don't get me started on the other colours (pimpwear, as I call them). Knowing absolutely nothing about the history of the tux, and maybe having worn one maybe once before (my second sister's wedding, go figure) I've come to the conclusion (no doubt based on years of James Bond, fashion magazines and other such trustworthy and upstanding sources) that a tux should be of dark colour, the darker the better.
I've also realized that I dislike cummerbunds to no end.

UGH. Why do you need that band of colour, in what is an awkward place to draw attention to for most men?

*clears throat*

*lays aside broom and walks over to window*

I went to wikipedia just now to look up the history of the tux. Makes sense that something that's giving me this much trouble would be british in origin (and funnily enough, was popularised by an act intended to enable a lord to get it on with another mans wife. So much for its being the symbol of the wedding, and all that crap). Damn brits, first they colonize my country (well, one of the many, but more on that later) and then they give me this headache. Curse you britannia!!!


Right. So. I've settled on a three button something or other, and this other one that looks really cool (can't remember the names right now, I mean come on, have you seen the names of these things???) and might fit me well, if I can just start exercising again, and stay away from the cigs (24 hours and counting, how many more times will I quit?...anyway). I'm really excited, like, I never thought these things would ever look good on me, much less get married, and here I am, picking out my tux for my wedding.

So excited. Can you tell?

Sure you can.

Peace out, I'm done for the day. Bathe, and then to bed. Tomorrow I've got things to do, and then I gotta go to town to see the pastor. More on that later as well.

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