Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blarg 1.

So I was supposed to put up a post about child - parent relationships, and how responsibility gradually, and sometimes abruptly, shifts from the parent to the child over the course of the relationship, and what this might mean for both parties...but I'm not gonna. That post seems to want to be more than one post, and so I will give it the space to percolate, breathe, think or whatever it is that it needs to do before its ready to leave my mind via my fingers and take its place here, on this blog.

So what does that leave us with? It leaves me with one more night of ending the day in a bad mood. A sudden bad mood, brought on by an unconscious action from a really guiltless party. That, however, does not help my mood any.

Its actually not right to call it a mood. Its more of a burning rage seeking to find an outlet, a rage born in annoyance and fuelled by frustration, loneliness (my wife is several thousand miles away) and chemical withdrawal. Smoking. So never a good idea.

Yeah. I really have nothing else to say about this. I find it hard to work when I'm pissed off, and even harder to work when I'm really mad at myself.


More as it develops.

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