Friday, June 18, 2010

Just Gonna Wing It, by God!


I've restarted this blog too many times to count. Really. However, I do believe now that each time was for the wrong reason. I was blogging because it was the fashionable thing to do (ha!), I was bored, I wanted to create a name for myself online...all these bullshit reasons.

All of them fake. All of them wrong.

That is not to say that blogging for these reasons is wrong per se...they were just the wrong reasons for me to be blogging. Your reasons for doing something, anything, have to be good enough reasons to keep you motivated. To keep you doing it. To keep you getting up everyday and going back to that little room downstairs of your consciousness where your creative impulses lurk, waiting to jump you and drag you into the dark.

That's a scary place to have to live in, day in and day out. It's also one of the most lonely and potentially disheartening places to have to inhabit if you're not filled with complete confidence that every one of your pieces is, in fact, a masterpiece.

Who is really? George Lucas? You see how his recent efforts turned out.

Those reasons were entirely the wrong reasons for me to be blogging, or writing, which is what blogging really is. Some bloggers are genre writers; romance, slice of life, some are horribly boring or provide misinformed opinions about everything under the sun...but its still all just writing. At least, it is to me.

I write because these words fill up my head on a daily basis, and if I don't get them out they'll clog my throat and fill my ears and come spilling out of my nose and rattle around in my eyes and I'll run screaming out of the house and plow through the gate, scamper into the road and get hit by a passing truck.


I write to keep myself alive. That's a good enough reason for me, I think, to get up everyday and keep doing this.

Yeah, works for me. That's my story and I'll revise it as I see fit.

More as it develops!

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